Earn Money from Google, Microsoft, Amazon, eBay, Walmart

Everyone wants to earn money online as an alternate income source. There are many ways to generate revenue on the internet. However do you know that world’s biggest companies offer exciting opportunities to earn money online?

We’ll discuss about earning opportunities offered by Google, eBay, Amazon, Microsoft & Walmart.


Let’s start with the big daddy – Google. Everyone dreams of working in this most innovative company in the world. However very few talented people get into it. But working in Google by getting a job is one way to earn money (i.e. salary) from this biggest company. However Google also offers ways to earn money online for individuals, even if you are not working for them. And this is possible through their revenue platform called Adsense. And you can do this through website, app and youtube channel.

Here’s how you can generate online income through Google:

Website: The process is simpler. You build a website by adding adding high quality and useful content and increase website visitors. And apply for adsense. Once your application is approved, advertisements served by Google will be displayed on your website. And when your website visitors start clicking on these ads, you will get small percentage of the revenue.

Check out 26 ways to earn extra income in India.

Mobile app: Similar to website, you can also add ads ad on your app called as in-app advertising. Although developing own app and adding ads is technical stuff but it’s not difficult. But on the other hand, the rising smartphone usage definitely has a great potential to generate revenue from mobile applications.

Youtube channel: This again requires greater efforts compared to website. You will first need create your own youtube channel with high quality videos and increase viewership base. Once your adsense account gets approved, ads would start displaying on your videos and every click generated on the ad, will earn you money.

Through Google, you will be paid either through CPM (cost per thousand impressions) or CPC (cost per click). Ads are served on your website/app which has potential to generate higher revenue.


Another way to generate revenue is to start affiliate marketing. World’s biggest ecommerce company – Amazon (although it is no longer into only eCommerce) offers one of the best option to earn money online by empowering the website. Amazon’s affiliate marketing platform lets website owners monetize their website. You place amazon ads on your site and whenever visitor clicks on the ad, he/she will be redirected to Amazon site. And if this leads to a product purchase, certain commission would be paid to the website owner. The commission varies depending on the product / its category. So higher the products sold through your web property, higher would be the revenue.


Another affiliate program is from the world’s biggest software company – Microsoft. The company lists range of products to be sold via affiliate program such as – softwares, Xbox, music download and many others.


Similar to Amazon, eBay also offers affiliate program. It works on similar line to Amazon and requires promoting eBay (banner or link) on the website, email, SMS, social media or others.


Another biggest retail giant in the world – Walmart also offers affiliate program. After Amazon, Walmart offers most professional program and gives multiple products

All the above listed companies offering affiliate programs provide professionally designed banners and textual links linked to almost any product on their respective website. The commission offered varies according to the product.

Author Bio:

Hi, I am Nikesh Mehta owner and writer of this site.

Nikesh Mehta - ImageI’m an analytics professional and also love writing on finance and related industry. I’ve done online course in Financial Markets and Investment Strategy from Indian School of Business.

I can be reached at nikeshmehta@allonmoney.com. You may also visit my LinkedIn profile.

  • Deepak Prasoon

    I have my own website prasoonconsultancy.com. Can I insert an ad of Amazon or any other e-commerce Company without their specific permission.

  • Bishnu

    Great ideas about making money online. Will help me in making money from online. I have a same post on my website but not described like you. Can you please make a separate post on how to make money from opinion reward app.

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