Cheapest Insulin Injections in India @ 140 – 210 Rs.

Insulin injections most commonly recommended to type-1 and type-2 diabetic patients for controlling blood sugar level. It serves the purpose of moving sugar from the blood to the other body tissues for producing energy. As they are required multiple times in a day as recommended by the doctor, it is best to buy cheapest insulin injections in bulk so that you can save good amount money.

Cheap insulin injections in India are manufactured by following companies but sold under different brand names:

1. Manufacturing Company: Novo Nordisk India Pvt Ltd

Brand/Trade Name:

  • Actrapid 40 iu, 10ml at Rs. 145
  • Human Insulatard (40iu) – Rs. 140.52
  • Human Insulatard (100iu) – Rs. 208.95
  • Human Insulatard (100iu), 3ml – Rs. 208.95

2. Manufacturing Company: Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Brand/Trade Name:

  • Human Actrapid 40iu) at Rs. 158.58
  • Human Actrapid 40iu), (3ml) at – Rs. 158.58

3. Manufacturing Company: Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd Brand/Trade Name:

  • Human Actrapid 40iu) at Rs. 158.58
  • Human Actrapid 40iu), (3ml) at – Rs. 158.58

4. Manufacturing Company: USV Limited

Brand/Trade Name:

  • Human Fastact at Rs. 199.24
  • Human Fastact, (10ml) at Rs. 199.24

5. Manufacturing Company: Abbott India Ltd.

Brand/Trade Name:

  • Human Insulatard at Rs. 197.64
  • Human Insulatard, (10ml) at Rs. 208.95


Hi, I am Nikesh Mehta, owner and writer of this site. I’m an analytics professional and also love writing on finance and related industry. I’ve done online course in Financial Markets and Investment Strategy from Indian School of Business. I can be reached at

  • vivek uppal

    I m dibetic person & my sugar level is fasting 230 pp sugar is 450. Please sugust me which insulin injection i can take. What is doose quantity. Which is beast. insulin inj. For my sugar control. 09335074453


    I am taking Biphasic isophane insulin injections of 100 IU concentration every day twice daily. So far I have been using Biocon product. Now I have found that their prices have increased substantially. I wish if you could suggested me me an alternative and If could order online my requirement

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